Receive a Free Descent T-Shirt and
"Thank You" Credit on Our Film
With Donations Over $200!

Receive a Free Descent T-Shirt and
"Thank You" Credit on Our Film
With Donations Over $200!

Help Us Bring our Documentary Film "DESCENT" to the World
DESCENT merges the music score of world-renowned composer Christophe Chagnard, with stunning underwater footage of diver and cinematographer Frazier Nivens.
Descent will reveal the magical world that lies beneath our oceans and the urgent need to protect it. Help us bring Descent to life.
Your donation is appreciated.
Donate by Zelle to [email protected]

Help Us Bring the PBS Documentary Plasti-Pocalypse to the World.
Our educational mission driven films like Plasti-Pocalypse are brought to the national stage through the generous donations of sponsors, foundations and individuals who care about our planet. Your help can make a difference. We thank you for your donations, big or small, which will be used toward production costs for our PBS documentary, Plasti-Pocalpse. The feature length film is scheduled for completion in early 2021, and exposes the threat of plastics to our oceans, sea creatures, and to our own health, particularly children. If you share our passion to rid the planet of toxic plastic, please help us.